Self awareness
Communication skill
The Sailboat Metaphor

Using the hull to symbolize 'security' and the sail to represent 'growth,' it assists NPO partners in reexamining their own and their team's current state and ideal aspirations. This process facilitates exploration and integration of the team's needs.

Self care for Professional Helpers

More than 70% of social workers feel frustrated or disillusioned with their projects; nearly 20% of helpers cannot find a solution to relieve stress. While accompanying service users, caregivers also require equal attention and support.

Communication in Rapport and Conflict Management

Interpersonal risks make us hesitant to express our true thoughts, and the tension of conflict damages relationships. We can learn to understand emotions in communication, transforming potential disputes into meaningful dialogues.

MBTI and Group Communication

Based on Carl Gustav Jung's theory, through the introduction of the 16 personality types from MBTI test, we gain insights into ourselves and learn how to collaborate comfortably with partners of different types.

Nonviolent Communication

From 'Self awareness' to ' people connection,' nonviolent communication allows workplace conversations to transcend the win-lose game, fostering a deeper mutual understanding.

Leadership Development for New Leader

Workers are promoted for their expertise but face significant challenges due to a lack of management techniques. The series of courses cover the roles and mindset of supervisors, team communication, and coach-style leadership to cope with intergenerational collaboration.

Talent Retention and Motivation

In the 2022 Doing Good Index (DGI), over 70% of nonprofit organizations reported that they "find it difficult to recruit and retain staff." Given the constraints of limited salary conditions, motivating employees remains a critical task for leaders and a common challenge for nonprofit organizations.